Episode 301: 3 Ways To Be Present & Live Intentionally

In today's fast-paced world, where distractions are a constant, finding ways to be present and live intentionally has never been more crucial. Embracing meditation 🧘‍♂️, practicing mindfulness 🌟, and cultivating gratitude ❤️ are three transformative strategies that can guide us towards a more focused and fulfilling life. By integrating these practices into our daily routines 🌱, we not only enhance our own well-being but also deepen our connections with others and the world around us. This journey towards intentional living empowers us to lead more meaningful lives, where every moment is appreciated ⏳, and every action is purposeful.







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3 Ways To Be Present & Live Intentionally

Daily Meditation

“Listen to the silence. It has so much to say.”

“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”

- Rumi

“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.” - Albert Einstein

  • Meditation is the ultimate key to finding peace and stillness within
  • In the absence of thought, we find the present moment
  • Be relaxed in your heart and awake in your brain. - Joe Dispenza


When you begin the process of becoming no body, no one, no thing, no where, in no time, you’re essentially doing the same thing you do every night when you go to sleep. You get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, see blackness, and stop thinking—that's it. As you slide down the scale of brainwave frequencies into deep sleep, you move from beta to alpha to theta to delta. And if you’re not too stressed out, it happens rather quickly.

The only difference in meditation is that you slow down the process so that your body begins to rest and fall asleep, but your mind stays awake; all the while, you’re avoiding the polarity of making what you are doing right or wrong, good or bad, a success or a failure.

To do this, you must first feel so present and safe (not in survival) that your body can begin to rest. It can only move out of survival states such as vigilance, worry, impatience, frustration, anticipation, and expectation in the present moment. This is the point where you enter into the unknown because the familiar past, which is steeped with memories and emotions, has fallen away. In turn, keeping your attention on the predictable future also falls away—which is your anticipation of what will happen when you open your eyes or what could happen in the next moment.

All you have to do is stay open, present, and surrender by relaxing into whatever happens. This is the elegant moment where you abandon everything you know and stop trying to control or force an outcome.

Sit In Peace - 3 minutes every day

  • Bring your attention to your breath.  Inhale to a count of 4, pause, then exhale to the count of 6.  Do this 3 times.
  • Notice what arises.  Thoughts, feelings, sensations.  Notice and let go.
  • Surrender in the moment “I surrender”
  • “What do I need to know today?”

Try guided meditations or binaural beat brainwave recordings

DOWNLOAD our Meditation Tools, Apps, & Resources Guide HERE


Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a heightened awareness of your present experience, focusing on the here and now with an open, accepting, and non-judgmental attitude. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment in a deliberate and conscious manner.

  • Present Moment Awareness.  Be fully engaged with the current moment rather than being distracted by past events or future concerns
  • Bring mindfulness to everyday activities like brushing your teeth, showering, or washing dishes. Focus on the sensations and actions involved in these tasks.
  • Take a walk and focus on the sensations of walking, such as the feeling of your feet touching the ground and the rhythm of your steps. Notice your surroundings without getting lost in thought.

Be Grateful

  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude in all areas of your life. Example:  “I am grateful I have the funds to pay this electric bill, which provides me with the ability to have air conditioning, lights, and connectivity to devices, the internet”
  • Journal what you are grateful for today
  • Take a moment to consciously appreciate the small things during your daily activities.

Looking for more on bringing gratitude into your life?  Discover these WBNL Podcast episodes:



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