Episode 162: 10 Ways to Cope with COVID Fatigue

10 Ways to Cope with COVID Fatigue

Happy Earth Day!  In Episode 161 of the Wandering But Not Lost Podcast, co-hosts, Jan O’Brien & Matt Emerson reflect a bit on how COVID has changed our lives and discuss 10 ways to cope with COVID fatigue.  We even have a moment of Wandering Zen this week as we also celebrate National Park Week.  Let's wander...





1EXERCISE all the experts agree this is the #1 method - Even a daily walk can help!

2 ~ Morning Ritual
SAVERS - Hal Elrod.com  (Podcast, Books)

3 ~ Practice mindfulness - being in the moment

4 ` Gratitude journaling - morning, evening or both

5 ~ Daily Self-Care - get up, morning practice, hygiene, get dressed, drink water, choose healthy foods

6 ~ What are you Listening to or Reading?

  • Find uplifting, positive, entertaining, informative channels and books
  • Podcasts, Clubhouse, Audible, YouTube, Spotify

    Our current faves:
  • CHRISTINE KANE “Soul-Sourced Entrepreneur” 
  • https://christinekane.com/
  • Podcasts
  • Soul Sourced Business - Christine Kane
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Entrepreneurs On Fire - John Lee Dumas
    New Book “The Common Path to Uncommon Success”


7 ~ Focus on what you can control


  1. Your attitude and state of being
  2. Less “news” and social media feed obsession
  3. More positive and uplifting content consumption (Books, Streaming, Social)

8 ~ Plan your next vacation or trip - find something to look forward to

9 ~ Give Back 

  • Helping others less fortunate in your community
  • Support local businesses

10 ~ Get Up and Get Out 


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