10 Ways to Cope with COVID Fatigue
Happy Earth Day! In Episode 161 of the Wandering But Not Lost Podcast, co-hosts, Jan O’Brien & Matt Emerson reflect a bit on how COVID has changed our lives and discuss 10 ways to cope with COVID fatigue. We even have a moment of Wandering Zen this week as we also celebrate National Park Week. Let's wander...
1 ~ EXERCISE all the experts agree this is the #1 method - Even a daily walk can help!
2 ~ Morning Ritual
SAVERS - Hal Elrod.com (Podcast, Books)
3 ~ Practice mindfulness - being in the moment
4 ` Gratitude journaling - morning, evening or both
5 ~ Daily Self-Care - get up, morning practice, hygiene, get dressed, drink water, choose healthy foods
6 ~ What are you Listening to or Reading?
7 ~ Focus on what you can control
8 ~ Plan your next vacation or trip - find something to look forward to
9 ~ Give Back
10 ~ Get Up and Get Out
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