Episode 138: Business Planning Step 1 - Setting Your 2021 Goals

In Episode 138 of the Wandering But Not Lost Podcast, co-hosts, Jan O’Brien & Matt Emerson continue their month-long series on Business Planning.  Last week we discovered our Q4 superpower and this week we get into the plan by setting our 2021 goals.





Real Estate Business Planning and Goal Setting is a topic I love to teach and share with real estate professionals.  In my 28+ years in the real estate industry, it has been my experience that the agents who actually write down their goals and utilize a real business plan always meet and usually exceed their desired outcomes.

Unfortunately, less than 20% (probably closer to 10%) of real estate agents actually prepare a written business plan and set annual goals.   I have witnessed the amazing results of those who actually create and use a business plan and set goals in all areas of their life.  Statistics and various reports state that about 3% of adults have clearly written goals and accomplish 5 to 10 times more than those who do not have written goals. The 80/20 principle applies to everything - just become aware and observe the multitude of examples (Read Living the 80/20 Way Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More):

  • 80% of salespeople spend 80% of their time with customers who will never buy or sell from them. 
  • 80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities
  • Less than 20% of agents are responsible for 80% of all business

Here's your challenge... Are you ready, willing, and able to join the success group (the less than 20%)?  Are you willing to do the opposite of what the masses usually do and achieve your desired outcomes?  If you are ready... start today by following these 3 Steps to Business Planning and Take Action! 

It all starts by writing your goals or desired outcomes, creating a written business plan, and updating/revising your business budget then measuring and tracking your results.  I invite you to follow the 3 steps outlined below, download the accompanying forms and... JUST DO IT!

Step 1 – Set Your Goals (Outcomes)

The critical steps to achieving your goals:

  • Identify clear, concise, SMART goals, and know your WHY for each of them.


Measurable/Meaningful to you

Attainable/As if Now/All areas of your life


Timeframe/Toward what you want

  • Write them down for all areas of your life (Personal, Financial, Business/Career, Relationships/Family, Spiritual)
  • Create Action Plans – break the goal down into steps and next actions.  Take action every day!
  • Measure and track your progress – you can’t improve what you don’t measure.
  • Celebrate your successes along the way – make any necessary course corrections.

Why Write Down Your Goals (Outcomes)?

  • To clarify what it is you truly desire.  Writing down your goals forces you to select something specific and decide what you want and when you want to attain it.
  • To motivate and inspire you to take action. Writing your goals down is only the first step.  It is also important to review them regularly which supports you to take the next most important action toward your goal.
  • To help you overcome resistance. Every meaningful intention, dream, or goal encounters resistance. From the moment you set a goal, you will begin to feel it.  Resist the temptation to focus on that resistance and instead focus on what you want to accomplish.
  • To enable you to see—and celebrate—your success and progress.  Written goals are like mile-markers on a highway. They enable you to see how far you have come and how far you need to go. They also provide an opportunity for celebration when you attain them.

Read these posts for more information on goal setting, affirmations, mindset:

Get the FREE, complete Real Estate Business Planning Mini-Course and Downloads:

Click HERE to Get Started Today!


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