Real Estate Sales Builder contains 12 training modules designed for both new and newer agents as well as any agent who wants to master the core fundamentals of a successful real estate business. The primary goal of this program is to show you how to consistently build your pipeline to generate more buyer and seller transactions to reach your individual business and career goals.
- Welcome & Course Overview
- Module 1: The Fundamentals of Real Estate & Your Business Plan
- Module 2: Build Your Database & Get Referrals
- Module 3: Effective Open Houses
- Module 4: Working with Buyers
- Module 5: Personality & Communication Styles
- Module 6: Working with Sellers
- Module 7: Listing Presentation & Marketing
- Module 8: Farming Strategies
- Module 9: Social Media & Online Presence
- Module 10: Online Lead Generation & Conversion
- Module 11: Niche Marketing, BDA & Getting Client Reviews
- Module 12: Business & Financial Fundamentals
Real Estate Sales Builder has over 119 videos and nearly 100 downloads to help you build that strong foundation step by step!
After all of that, you need a little zen. We're giving you free access to our Align | Connect | Prosper course too!
Align | Connect | Prosper
Concepts & strategies for living in the now, creating desired change in your life & setting your intentions & focus. This 4-module, 21-unit course brings together WBNL Coaching best practices through guides, checklists, best-of podcast episodes, and videos to expand your heart & mind.
- Module 1 ~ Connecting to Your Mind, Body & Soul
- Module 2 ~ Personal Productivity & Success Strategies
- Module 3 ~ Resources for Business & Personal Growth
- Module 4 ~ Creating Your Path to Success